by drimidreen
What is the architect doing?
He is by the riverside
What is he thinking out there?
He is committing egocide
Now isn't that a strange thing?
Well, to him it feels just
Oh we guess a person's gotta do
What a person feels he must
He said:
"I won't throw myself from the pier
I'm gonna go home and shut up for a year
And when the year is over I'll reappear
And have a solution"
I've reason to believe that what I find
Is gonna change the face of humankind
And all these years before, well I was blind
That's my conclusion
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
Now the man has understood
That outerspace is overrated
About all the problems on this Earth we should
Worry now to solve them later
And so he's brooding and alluding on a perfect design
He thinks that working on behalf of himself is a crime
He flashes out by the water, a view so divine
He's the architect of his own fate, a man in his prime
He said:
"I won't throw myself from the pier
I'm gonna go home and shut up for a year
And when the year is over I'll reappear
And have a solution"
I've reason to believe that what I find
Is gonna change the face of humankind
And all these years before, well I was blind
That's my conclusion
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
(That's it, we're going to make it)
(Don't let up)
(Don't let up or we won't make it)
(Don't let up)
(Don't let up or we won't make it)
And so he drew himself a pentagon
Thinking it through a geodesic dome
From the coast of Tahiti to the hills of Rome
Step aside cause the man will take the Nobel prize home
He said:
"I won't throw myself from the pier
I'm gonna go home and shut up for a year
And when the year is over I'll reappear
And have a solution"
Now if these aspirations bother you
Well you are just you, you don't have a clue
I'm sticking to the plan, I will see it through
Let there be no confusion
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
(I feel it's touch and go)
Cause I'm the architect
dEUS "The Architec" (Vantage Point)
“Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau”
“Devagar se vai ao longe”
“Quem espera sempre alcança”
“Grão a grão enche a galinha o papo”
No meio disto tudo a galinha acaba por virar anoréctica, porque quanto menos come menos fome tem.
Tenho vindo com frequência ao meu blog, e é com desespero que confesso que nunca vejo um post novo. Vamos para ver se finalmente me consigo surpreender da próxima …
O amor tem muitas formas de se revelar, mas comove-me quando o faz em forma de altruísmo em estado puro.
Perguntava a uma grande amiga, há dias, como estavam os seus pais. Ao que me respondeu: "Não muito animados. Ando a pensar em ter um bebé, para lhes dar alguma alegria e estímulo na vida, embora a situação agora não seja a mais propícia, nem o meu relógio biológico esteja propriamente a pedir um".
Acordar cedo.
Tomar um pequeno almoço robusto.
Fazer-se ao caminho.
Cuidado com os poços, pelo caminho...
Nesta altura do ano os espigos,
só podem ser de dois tipos:
de nabos
ou de couves.
Caso se opte pelos espigos de nabos, não colher os floridos...
... mas sim quando ainda estão fechadinhos!
Fazer um esturgido de alho e cebola, colocar a água a ferver. Deitar o arroz. A 5 minutos do fim, colocar os espigos.
Comer na hora.
O fim no começo
A palavra cortada
na primeira sílaba.
A consoante esvanecida
sem que a língua atingisse o alvéolo.
O que jamais se esqueceria
pois nem principiou a ser lembrado.
O campo – havia, havia um campo?
irremediavelmente murcho em sombra
antes de imaginar-se a figura
de um campo.
A vida não chega a ser breve.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade